Schoolwide Wellbeing Support
Paddington• Eastern Suburbs• Online
Explore the potential for transformation in your school’s wellbeing journey, be it clarifying your school culture, reimagining your curriculum, teacher training or simply enhancing your classroom and pastoral care experience.
If you're curious about delving into the diverse possibilities of schoolwide wellbeing or Positive Education implementation, don't hesitate to get in contact.
Schoolwide SEL Building and Development
You’re starting from scratch or looking to revamp your current schoolwide SEL Program. You’re looking to accomplish some or all of the following:
Building an SEL team
Assessing needs and resources
Involving the full school community
Developing a shared vision
Setting goals and action steps to cultivate SEL for adults
Setting goals and action steps to promote SEL for students
Making a plan to evaluate progress
Implementing and reflecting on data to continuously improve
***Image courtesy of CASEL
Positive Education Implementation
You’re interested in developing or improving the delivery of a Positive Education program in your school. You are committed to engaging faculty through the Learn, Live, Teach, Embed approach to Positive Education Schoolwide integration. You wish to engage in:
Teacher Training
The Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum
Improving the Pastoral Care Program of your school
Applying the PERMA model to the school community
Encouraging positivity, building relationships, facilitating outcomes, focusing on student and faculty strengths, fostering purpose, enhancing engagement and teaching resilience.
***Image courtesy of Geelong Grammar School